JBS USA Live Pork

First Ever Swine-to-RNG Project in Texas

JBS recently partnered with Ally Energy Solutions on a first ever swine to RNG project at its hog facility in Dalhart, Texas. The project modernized a two-and-a-half acre digester lagoon to capture and convert methane gas into clean, renewable natural gas, that is then sold to the California transportation fuel market.

The project, which was completed in less than twelve months, is expected to produce more than 50,000 MMBTU of biogas each year, eliminating 10,362 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Operational Benefits
• Improved animal waste management system and overall farm efficiency with maximized biogas yields
• Preventative maintenance and infrastructure upgrades including lagoon recertification and two new lagoon covers

Environmental Benefits
• The system converts methane that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere into clean, sustainable transportation fuel
• The project greatly reduced the facility’s greenhouse gas emissions, resulting in a carbon negative system

Financial Benefits
• The project transformed the cost of waste management into a long-term, recurring revenue stream
• The project avoided capital expenditures by funding more than a million dollars of preventative maintenance and infrastructure upgrades