JBS USA Beef and Pork

Connecting with Customers

In the U.S., we have created and implemented two customer education programs, “Beef University” and “Pork University,” to strengthen our customer partnerships and foster ongoing understanding of the beef and pork industries.

During our three-day Beef University, our customers first gain valuable industry insights at Colorado State University, where they experience hands-on activities and taste our beef products. To truly get a “farm-to-fork” experience, we visit a family ranch partner, where our customers get to tour the ranch and learn about the joys and challenges of managing a cattle operation. Next, they visit the Kuner feedyard of our producer partner, Five Rivers Cattle Feeding, to learn about the cattle feeding business and approach to nutrition, health, feed milling, management and sustainability. Finally, we invite them into our Greeley, CO, beef production facility for a complete tour and breakdown of a beef carcass to show exactly how their product is packaged and shipped.

Following a similar format, Pork University begins by taking our customers to Iowa State University to sample our pork products and learn about recent developments and innovations in the pork industry. From there, the group visits one of our contract family farmers to witness how a modern hog operation functions. Lastly, they are taken through the production lines of our Marshalltown, IA, pork production facility to learn about how we process, package and ship the products.

Before each Beef and Pork University experience, we ask our customers a series of questions so that we can customize the process to address areas of interest, questions, concerns or challenges they may be facing and future opportunities. In order to continuously improve these programs, we also survey each group after they complete the event. We then use this feedback to modify and expand the experience to be as impactful and beneficial as possible for future customers.