Our Commitment

At JBS USA, we value the important role we play in the communities where our team members live and work. We appreciate the responsibility that comes with being a major employer in rural communities. We continue to dedicate our time and resources to the well-being of these communities by providing gainful employment opportunities and participating in volunteerism, donation and sponsorship opportunities.

Our goal is for our communities to consider JBS USA a helping neighbor and a trusted partner.

Giving Back to Our Communities

In 2019, our facilities continued to serve their local communities through numerous sponsorships, volunteer efforts, fundraisers and donations. The following are just a few snapshots of the many ways our facilities provided support to their communities throughout the year.

United Way Cornerstone Partner

JBS USA Headquarters

As a long-term, Cornerstone Partner of United Way, the JBS USA corporate headquarters in Greeley, CO, champions an annual campaign to support the local community through United Way of Weld County (UWWC) efforts. This year, the company raised $406,555 – the highest amount since 2015. To ensure 100 percent of team member donations go straight…

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Showing Support for Hannah’s Heroes

JBS Australia

In September 2019, JBS Australia’s Group Engineering Manager Neil Brereton and Group Safety Manager Mark Doe, bravely shaved their heads in support of Hannah’s Heroes. Neil began participating in Hannah’s Heroes six years ago in honour of his niece Hannah Meeson, who was diagnosed with high-risk anaplastic medulloblastoma in 2012, aged 4. Since then, Hannah…

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Storm Support

Plumrose USA

In Oct. 2019, a substantial wind storm hit the Booneville, MS, area and took out the power of more than 3,000 people, including the county schools. This posed a major challenge for the schools, as they had already purchased food through Thanksgiving and were storing it in their coolers. After 12 hours without power, it…

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Pilgrim's Tulip

Pilgrim’s Tulip is in the third year of its primary charity partnership with Mind, a mental health charity. Mind believes that no one should have to face a mental health problem alone; everybody who works at Tulip is part of our family. Sometimes family members are affected by mental health issues that have a devastating…

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Pilot Plant Food Donations

JBS USA Corporate Headquarters

Over the past couple of years, we have made a conscious effort to reduce waste from our R&D pilot plant, located on-site at our corporate headquarters. Instead of sending product to landfill, we have started making donations to the Weld County Food Bank. In 2019, we donated 16,986 pounds of food.

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Tree Planting with Local Elementary Schools

Broadway, VA, Poultry Complex

In line with our vision, Pilgrim’s sponsored a tree planting and education program its Rockingham County facilities and three area elementary schools: John C. Myers, Plains, and Lacey Springs. Pilgrim’s team members secured trees and dug the holes, and then students actually helped plant the trees. After assessing the company’s properties, Pilgrim’s decided to plant…

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Record-Breaking United Way Pledge

Worthington, MN, Pork Production Facility

At the end of 2019, the JBS USA Worthington, MN, pork team shattered their one-year-old record for giving to the United Way of Nobles County. The facility announced it was making a $167,496 pledge for the agency’s 2020 fundraising campaign, representing a 9.1% from the $153,544 donated by team members in 2019. United Way of…

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Hero Flight Program

Grand Island, NE, Beef Production Facility

The team from the Fed Beef plant in Grand Island, NE, continues to support a noble cause to honor the Veterans of the Hall County. Since 2012, the facility helps the community veterans’ leaders to make the Hero Flight program a reality. The plant’s support started with monthly burger donations for fundraising events, and later…

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